Cricket Carpets Direct

Full information about Establishment Cricket Carpets Direct at 18c Meridian East, Leicester, England LE19 1WZ. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


18c Meridian East, Leicester, England LE19 1WZ
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+44 870 240 0700



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Cricket Carpets Direct | Cricket Carpets Direct | UK’s No.1 Cricket Pitch Maintenance Company
It is essential that a correct artificial pitch maintenance regime is implemented as soon as possible from installation, in order to get the maximum life from your synthetic surface. Technical Surfaces can help in formulating such an artificial pitch maintenance programme, offering help and advice and providing outsourcing for all or part of the necessary services to ensure your artificial pitch is maintained correctly.
Cricket Pitch, Cricket pitch installation, Artificial cricket pitches, All-weather pitches, Synthetic sports surfaces, Artificial turf, Artificial pitch maintenance, Cricket netting, Cricket covers, Pitch covers, Cricket Pitch maintenance, Cricket strip, Cricket carpet, Project planner, All-weather maintenance, Synthetic pitch installation, cricket

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09.05.2024 22:00 13